Our Values

Our Values are what make us the business we are. They underpin everything we do here: how we behave, how we communicate and how we work together.

Find out more about what matters to us and why here:

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Our energy, enthusiasm and sense of fun is contagious and powerful. Let’s use it!

Even when no-one is watching we do the right thing, always.

To get on, we need to Get Stuff Done. We’re a business made up of doers; and we’re proud of that!

Listening is an underrated superpower that the remarkable people here do brilliantly. We listen and we use our voices to speak up.

Caring is in our DNA. The way we look after people and our business is what makes us who we are.

Our Culture

We are really proud of our inclusive culture at Buzz, which is grounded in our company Values. We want every one of our Remarkable People to know they belong here, which is why we are committed to being a company where everyone can be themselves and truly shine.

We know that we’re a business built on our ability to bring people together. The sense of connection that brings – with our Customers and with each other- really matters to us.

Culture in any company is always a work in progress and it’s something we work really hard to continue to develop. And we want all our Remarkable People to be a part of that. We’ll always make sure that everyone has a voice here, and that importantly, we’ll listen. Always.

The customer interaction is everything – if you always remember that, and make sure you always think of customers first, you will do well here.